Vera Dijkmans is waiting for the subway

Vera Dijkmans stands on the platform, patiently awaiting the arrival of the subway. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the station, she finds a moment of quiet contemplation, observing the ebb and flow of commuters as they come and go.

As she waits, Vera’s gaze drifts across the platform, taking in the kaleidoscope of sights and sounds that surround her. The rhythmic rumble of trains in the distance, the murmur of conversations echoing off the tiled walls, and the occasional blast of cool air as a train rushes by create a symphony of urban life.

Despite the rush of activity around her, Vera remains calm and composed, her demeanor a picture of serenity amidst the chaos. She takes this opportunity to pause and collect her thoughts, finding solace in the familiar routine of her daily commute.

As the minutes tick by, Vera’s anticipation grows, her senses heightened in anticipation of the approaching train. She mentally prepares herself for the journey ahead, planning her route and visualizing the tasks that await her at her destination.

Finally, with a distant whistle and the faint vibration of the tracks beneath her feet, Vera’s patience is rewarded as the subway train comes into view. She steps forward with purpose, joining the throng of commuters as they board the awaiting carriages, ready to embark on the next leg of her journey through the bustling metropolis.